Finished “Barbara Rachko: True Grit” documentary Named “Artist of the Day” by best_art_awards on IG Collaboration with Paul Rubens Art soft pastels Updated Manhattan Arts Blog surpassed 131,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 106,000 Followers
Featured Manhattan Arts Travel to Chile and Easter Island (cont’d) Blog surpassed 128,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 104,000 Followers
Continued post-production on the film Group Exhibition Travel to Chile and Easter Island Blog surpassed 126,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 101,000 Followers
Produced a rough cut and continued post-production on our documentary Galleri SoHo (SWE) Featured Artist of the Week Blog surpassed 124,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 100,000 Followers
Film shoot in Clifton, NJ and Essex County Airport, Fairfield, NJ; continued post-production on our documentary Art Client Services (ACS) contacted New York galleries about representation Blog surpassed 96,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 98,000 Followers
Represented by Art Client Services, Santa Monica, CA Exhibited in the Regents Park London Tube Station during Frieze Art Fair Featured: Manhattan Arts Continued editing our documentary Blog surpassed 95,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 97,000 Followers Trip to Himalayan India...
Trip to Ladakh and Sikkim (India) and Bhutan Film shoot at the 9/11 Memorial and continued editing the documentary Featured: Featured: Manhattan Arts Blog surpassed 93,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 95,000 Followers Instagram Surpassed 11,000 Followers
Featured Artist of the Week Featured: Manhattan Arts Blog surpassed 90,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 92,000 Followers
Documentary film in post-production Instagram posts by Emillions Art Featured: Renee Phillips Featured: Manhattan Arts Blog turned 10-years-old; surpassed 87,000 Subscribers Facebook surpassed 89,000 Followers
Documentary film shoot in Reston, VA, Alexandria, VA, and New York, NY Invited to join International Association of Visual Artists Featured Featured Interview Featured Blog Surpassed 84,000 Subscribers Facebook Surpassed 86,000 Followers